Ultimate Wasabi Guide ★ ONLY in JAPAN 究極のワサビ 28


Ultimate Wasabi Guide ★ ONLY in JAPAN 究極のワサビ 28


Let s travel to a valley in the Japanese alps in Nagano to get some organically grown wasabi from the farm Just how is wasabi grown Daio Wasabi Farm is one of Japan s largest and is a great place to find out and try wasabi cuisine There are few produce directly associated with Japan Wasabi is one of the most widely known and the flavor is found more and more in snacks because of it s spicy kick It s also used in sushi mixed in the soy sauce There is a big different between the processed wasabi found in some restaurants and the fresh kind which is traditionally ground on a shark skin grater and collected The color and smell The texture and taste Why does fresh wasabi cost so much It takes between 12 to 18 month to grow one and there is no telling what size it will be when pulled from the ground The wasabi needs to be in the shade and have constant fresh water The minerals from the melted snows of the Japanese alps surrounding Daio Wasabi Farm are perfect to make the worlds most delicious wasabi What else can you do at the wasabi farm You can hike around the beautiful area and also grab a bite to eat in the food plaza They have Wasabi beerWasabi ice creamWasabi burgerWasabi donWasabi juiceWasabi wineWasabi leaf saladWasabi croquet and yes just plain wasabi This is wasabi heaven Daio Wasabi FarmThis show has been created and produced by John Daub ジョン ドーブ He s been living and working in Japan for over 17 years and regularly reports on a TV show for Japan s International Channel




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