Moroccan Mint Handmade Cold Pr...
This fragrance is described a refreshing mix of spearmint, peppermint, cornmint, and a touch of black tea.
Happy Wednesday I finally got photos of this project worn which means I can share the process of making it with you Check the info box for more information on what inspired me what I would do differently As mentioned in the video if you aren t comfortable or don t have the option of draping drafting these from scratch start out with a fitted 18th century bodice jacket pattern then alter it to have tabs and the neckline you want The shape should be pretty similar to the pattern I drafted with a little tweaking and a few mock ups to make sure you have it right Pieces that inspired this one q What are jumps They are a foundation garment but one that was considered appropriate enough to be seen At least in countries with more casual approaches to fashion during the 1700 s or lower class women who needed the extra mobility that they allow They are shaped similarly to stays but don t offer nearly the amount of support or reduction since they have way less if any boning in them Instead the stiffness of the fabric is what supports the body ALSO I know it wasn t totally clear I didn t explain it well but the main change I would make to this is creating a separate layer of lining that has the boning channels This would be sewn to the quilted floral batting cotton layer AFTER it s been quilted before the binding is added That way there isn t quite as much hand work If you are interested in seeing more of my work or contacting me I ll leave links to my various sites below Email AngelaCostumery gmail com serious inquires only please Music was written performed and belongs to Chris Zabriskie side note a lot of my videos have been getting content ID claims so I may be repeating the same songs for a looot of videos in the near future I
This fragrance is described a refreshing mix of spearmint, peppermint, cornmint, and a touch of black tea.
저희 집 새 식구가 된 먼치킨 새끼고양이 '소설이'와 7개월된 포메라니안 강아지 '소운이' 같이 키우기를 위해서 합사 첫날부터 7일간의 기록입니다 :)
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