144 My colleague is organising...
LET'S PLANT! EP 144 My colleague is organising a craft market at work and I'm thinking of selling there!
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LET'S PLANT! EP 144 My colleague is organising a craft market at work and I'm thinking of selling there!
バッグの編み方①の動画はこちら(╹◡╹) https://youtu.be/4KWebfb-Wfc
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В видео показываю как самостоятельно натянуть канву на круглую основу, как сделать под вышивку подложку и задник, и как самостояте...
The pastel makeup tutorial you never knew you needed 💖@PONY Syndrome does @James Charles makeup with the 35I Icy Fantasy Artistry ...
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Timo is not impressed ;) Toby is 4.5 months old in this video. https://www.instagram.com/timo_the_ragdoll_cat
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