秋季購物穿搭分享,外套 配件 飾品,買到很失望的精品服飾! ...
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When Chef Liz and Will invited me to hang out with them and go to some of their favorite restaurants in LA I was very excited We set off to eat some amazing food in LA area including tacos Armenian kabobs and Chinese savory pies Featured in this video and huge thanks to Teddy s Red Tacos The first place we ate on this best of Los Angeles food tour is Teddy s Red Tacos First of all Teddy is such a friendly down to earth guy who is passionate about birria one of my favorite Mexican foods Serving out of a food truck we ordered the mixed plate of birria tacos his made with beef It was extraordinary and great to hang out and meet Teddy as well Mixed plate 10Beijing Pie House Next we drove East to the Beijing Pie House another one of Liz s best favorite restaurants in LA We ordered a mix of dishes including a variety of dumplings and the highlight was their tripe salad laced in Sichuan pepper oil If you re looking for some Northern Chinese dishes Beijing Pie House is well worth the drive from Central LA Total price 55 70Mini Kabob There was one more huge meal we had to eat on this best restaurants in LA food tour We drove to Glendale where there s a large population of Armenians and we met up with Armin son of the owner of Mini Kabob Immediately I loved the place family run just a small little shop with a few tables and an ultimately friendly place They welcomed us in and Armin took care of us from the start fixing us a mixed meat platter with a little bit of everything The Armenian kabobs were spectacular as were all the different salads Huge platter thanks Armin Thank you to Liz and Will for taking me around to some of their favorite restaurants in LA I had an amazing time CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you
謝謝大家收看, 今天分享的單品細節都在下方⇩⇩請點開看⇩⇩
Max helps me make some jello shots... well he just kind of throws everything while I try to make them.
もも「お手とかおかわりとかしたらご褒美もらえたよ。いいでしょ〜(*^◯^*)」 天「俺も、ももがお手とか練習してる時近くで応援してたらご褒美くもらえた」 もも「そうだったんだね。応援してくれてありがとー💕」
안녕하세요. 매일매일 신기한 영상과 DIY, 기분좋은 영상을 제작하여 베포하는 미디어텍 채널입니다. 항상 시청자분들과 소통하며, 여러분들의 잠자리에 들기 전 기분좋은 뇌영역을 책임지도록 하겠습니다 ^_^v 좋아요와 구독하기 버튼...
今回は私の愛用しているINITY さんの新色カラーを使って、春夏ネイルをご紹介します! 今回は陶器風の花柄にミラーネイルを合わせました! ポイントで入れるととても可愛いです♡
28歳で早逝した天才画家エゴン・シーレの最高傑作「死と乙女」に秘められた愛の伝説が今、明らかに © Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion GmbH 作品情報(Article)https://www.cinemaniera.com/m...
※早送りで見たい方へ 【PC】画面右下の設定⇒速度⇒標準をお好みの倍速に変更 【スマホ】画面をタッチ⇒1番右の︙ボタンをタッチ⇒再生速度
In this video I will try Rossi Polygel with dual forms on myself. I decided to use "Nude" and "Natural clear" colors as it looks l...
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