TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty T...
Welcome back to #MISHMAS !! Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty Trends of 2019. Hope you e...
Hey So here are some of our clips from the weekend with Grandma everyone thoroughly enjoyed her visit You ll see yesterday s video of her saying bye to Phil who threw a strop before she really left haha He was crying and howling but she only went to fill up with petrol The weather was quite nice so we went for a few strolls we played in the garden and we even kept quiet while grandma panicked about everything from Phil being interested in a bush off the lead to Mia picking up a bit of fluff off the carpet haha Mia wanted to act like them car grabber machines you get at the arcade so we kept lowering her into her toy box to see what she won she loved it Let us know if you like these kind of videos or if you prefer more of direct footage Grandma has gone home now but we will be up visiting them at some point next month so we will see how we can hide the grandparents this time Thanks for watching guys don t forget to like and subscribe Love from all the gang xx
Welcome back to #MISHMAS !! Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty Trends of 2019. Hope you e...
페레로로쉐 초콜릿을 통으로 넣어 통통한 초콜릿 마카롱을 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down ...
Something different for today! This was filmed in August. And it’s the first of four videos about this trip that I’ll be posting t...
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