Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show...
Susannah Taylor went backstage at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 in London to chat to Jourdan Dunn, Lily Aldridge amd Sar...
サブチャンネル さやぴんく さぁや2nd Twitter Instagram
Susannah Taylor went backstage at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 in London to chat to Jourdan Dunn, Lily Aldridge amd Sar...
Pumpkin Spice Sketchbook Sunday LOL It feels like fall so I thought a girl holding a small pumpkin would be a fun subject.
In this drawing I enjoyed cramming the lines in all close and tight together, smushing them in like sardines in a can.
画面の中のボス吉に反応するネコ吉です。 キョロキョロ探すような仕草に笑ってしまいました(^-^; 2019年のお昼のショート動画はこれにて終了となりますが、今年は後もう一本、洗面所のリフォームpart3を公開します。 ネコ吉&ボス吉も登場しますので、是非ご覧く...
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Hey guys! In today's Art Journal Thursday episode I will show you how to paint the starry night by Vincent van Gogh with acrylic p...
A short film of Karolina Szymkiewicz ( applying the gold leaf to the "MA" exhibition artwork. Please visit K...
#Kittisaurus Today, I baked a cake to celebrate my family of 10 cats!
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