Tekitou French Toast & Smoothie

by Jun Yoshizuki

Tekitou French Toast & Smoothie


I don t know how to translate tekitou simply into English but it s like making a meal with whatever ingredients you have available It s doing something casually without worrying about the details Or sometimes it means doing something lazily It can be good or bad Meals made at home are often tekitou I want to start sharing some of my tekitou meals with tekitou videos Tekitou is good for meals but maybe not good for videos 牛乳を切らしていたけど 卵だけで強行 案の定しっとりさに欠ける 笑 でも パンが美味しかったので 総合的に満足 テキトーシリーズ 今後も不定期でテキトーに更新します 笑



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