Pretty Pink Sharks | Shark Wee...
Hey! Here's a quick stamping tutorial for an easy shark nail design for Shark Week! Check out the full list of products I used bel...
かご猫Blog のせ猫オフィシャルブログ
Hey! Here's a quick stamping tutorial for an easy shark nail design for Shark Week! Check out the full list of products I used bel...
What's the difference between contour and bronzer? Watch this tutorial to find out and follow my seamless steps for every day app...
Trying and testing out the NEW Metallic Watercolor Pan Set from Altenew, plus lots of lettering and mail art. NOTE: Mailing addres...
Laura Sanchez さんの動画では 日本人風メイクをしたよ! 皆さんも是非待てね! 彼女のVIDEOは素晴らしくて憧れちゃうほど!
裏すっきり仕立てなので、手縫いでも大丈夫です(*^-^) ダイソーのレースファスナーを使いました。
Trying out some new foundation techniques recommended by Professional Makeup Artists that I've never tried before, some I've never...
Here's a video showing how I made faux agate cheese boards. This video talks about layering Art Resin to create that depth in colo...
My annual What I Got For Christmas video! ✨ Links below, don't forget to subscribe! 💗
え?ただカワウソ好きのおじさんと可愛いカワウソのベルちゃんが戯れてるだけじゃないかって?正解です。ご覧の通りベルは本当に甘えん坊です。 耳元でこのわーきゃーボイスが鳴り響くと、とたんに鼓膜の中がダンシング。六本木の爆音ディスコと化します。まあ行ったことないんで...
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