Unicorn Nails - Pastel Daydream Colab with Stacey Ward - Gliterbels

by Miss Lucy's

Unicorn Nails - Pastel Daydream Colab with Stacey Ward - Gliterbels


Hi guys and welcome to my Pastel Daydreams colab with Stacey Ward I had so much fun creating these nails and hope you love them as much as me Thank you for taking the time to watch my video Subscribe for more free YouTube videos remember to make that bell ring Thank you for the love and support and remember any questions Just pop em below MISS LUCY S ONLINEFor more online videos and education check out Miss Lucy s Online Www misslucys co uk Full info on what was used and what s on my nails is listed below Products Used Links Frost Shards RainbowGuiding Stars RainbowCrystal Superfine RainbowGlass JarsAcrylic Brush Round 10akzentz gel play hd Pro gel paintsYou re Mint Juicy Peach Pink Martini Chinchilla BlossomOther products regularly used recommended such as desk efile etc On My Nails Check the My Nails Playlist Other Videos you may find useful Music from youtube or kinemaster audio library Don t forget to follow me on fb and Instagram and join the Facebook group for regular competitions and updates Miss Lucy sWebsite for training clients and blogwww misslucys co ukFB Insta MisslucysnailartistFB grouprecently voted 50 out of 100 top nail art youtube channels



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