UNREMARKABLE Beauty Products of 2018 | Mariah Leonard

by Mariah Leonard

UNREMARKABLE Beauty Products of 2018 | Mariah Leonard


Next up in our Beauty of 2018 series is Unremarkable Products Honestly there were not many for me this year Especially formula wise A lot of the unremark ability I saw was in terms of color and lack of interesting releases Either way I ve included a small collection of things I think had some potential in some fashion and could have been done MUCH better Hope you find it helpful Stay tuned for an Underrated Products video to round out this series HERO BEAUTY PRODUCTS OF 2018 UNREMARKABLE BEAUTY PRODUCTS OF 2018 WINDCHIMES UNREMARKABLE PRODUCTS Nabla Soul Blooming PaletteUrban Decay Elements PaletteTarteist Pro Remix PaletteHourglass Illusion Hyaluronic Skin TintCatrice HD Liquid Cover FoundationMAC Hyper Real Foundations illuminators Tarte Creaseless ConcealerMaybelline Master Blur StickMaybelline Total Temptation MascaraGlossier Lash Slick Mascara DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored This video does NOT contain a paid product placement or ad All opinions good or bad are SOLELY my own PR samples free makeup will NEVER sway my own opinion of a brand or product I DO implement commissioned links in the above product listing Lastly please remember that what I state about how a products performs looks and wears or the way I describe something is OPINION and not fact Always do your own research BUSINESS INQUIRIES mariahleonardbusiness gmail comINSTAGRAM TWITTER



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