Hey Larlees todays video is me using my most used holy grail makeup These are the products I use the MOST while sipping rosé All the makeup I used today doesn t go in my big drawer system it stays up front with me Thank you all so much for watching I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy xo Laura LarlarleeWatch my Amazon Favorites Check out my brand LAURALEELOSANGELES use code LLLA20 for 20 offPRODUCTS MENTIONED FACE EYES LIPS D I S C O U N T C O D E S COLOURPOP use code LAURALEE for 10 off COLOURPOP FACES POSTMATES code LAURALEE will give 100 in delivery credit to your Morphe Brushes use code LAURALEE for 10 off brush faves Jouer cosmetics code LAURALEE for 15 off Disclaimer All opinions in today s video are my own I will always state when a video is sponsored and I ve partnered with a brand I do earn a small commission when my code and links are used Thank you guys SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM LarlarleeSNAPCHAT Laura88leeTWITTER LAURA88LEEAll Rights Reserved 2019 Laura LeeFTC Thank you Bright Cellars for sponsoring this video
This video features how to make a phone wallet. Perfect fit for Samsung Galaxy note and iPhone10. Hopefully my video helped! Have ...
子猫ミレ強化期間がひと段落して現代に帰ってきました やることシンクロしちゃうのはさすがの姉妹猫 インスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/pontaxponta ツイッターhttps://Twitter.com/pontaxxxpont...
ティティがヤキモチをやいてしおちゃんにパンチ! 賢いしおちゃんはパッケージを自分で開けた?! しおちゃんが妻の名前を呼んだ! 何を食べるかでしおちゃんが押し問答? しおちゃんのチャームポイントを語ろうよ!
#子猫 #マンチカン #よちひこ
Показываю, как сделать плетеные серьги с жемчугом из бисера и бусин. Showing how to make pearl earrings from beads and seed beads....
어버이날이나스승의날에만들어선물해드리기좋은플라워케이크를만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고〜좋아요!누르고공유부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽더자세한레시피와설명은밑에더보기버튼눌러확인해주세요♥對於更詳細的食譜,請點擊下面的下面。 어버이날이나스승의날에만들어선물해드...
文具控喊又!! 大家喜歡在哪裏買文具來分享一下吧~ ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------------------------------------------- Blog: http://hellocatie.pixnet.net...
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