Watch Me Resin 20 Pastel Minty and Purple Shaker Charms! | Seriously Creative Resin Timelapse

by Seriously Creative

Watch Me Resin 20 Pastel Minty and Purple Shaker Charms! | Seriously Creative Resin Timelapse


Hi everyone here is another video on me making shakers The inclusions in the shakers little paddle pops chocolate etc are made by me with resin and the molds are from ali express Also I got a new camera so I look forward to recording some better quality videos for you all Products Used All of my glitter can be found on Ali Express Just type in what you re looking for eg spider web confetti and it will come up Molds used in video QueenieCreations Ditto IcecreamMinty Fresh Pieces heart shaker moldHoorayForGlitter Pink mini shaker moldMusic Credit Track 1 Island Lakey InspiredTrack 2 Chill Day Lakey Inspired



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