by Laovaan



Questions about materials brushes colors paper etc Ink Colors Material used Schmincke Akademie Watercolor Colorex Ink and Pencil on watercolor paper 300g 23x31cmca 2 hoursDo not download and re upload this video to any other website for example your Facebook Page You are allowed to embed it directly by using the YouTube link so that video description and in video annotations stay intact



滑潤香香法式土司/super fluffy French t...

  • by MASAの料理ABC 1977

介紹5星飯店級的美味法式土司! 用心煎出來的超級滑潤香香的! 如果想要吃『優雅的BRUNCH』的話, 一定要試試看喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASA YouTube頻道:🍅http://www.youtube.com/masaabc1

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SOUL FOOD & NOODLES in Harlem ...

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I LOVE exploring the food scene in Harlem New York. In this video, I'm hanging out with my friend Jewels and she is taking me to s...

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