What Is The Difference Between Watercolor, Gouache & Acrylic Paint

by makoccino

What Is The Difference Between Watercolor, Gouache & Acrylic Paint


Hey guys What is Gouache What is actually the difference between watercolors gouache and acrylic paint Are gouache and acrylic paint the same In this video you ll find out I will talk about the differences and the similarities between them while giving you watercolors gouache and acrylic painting tips I really hope you like it and find it helpful NEW VIDEO EVERY SATURDAY___ Let s stay in touch Full list of the main supplies I used Winsor Newton Cotman Watercolour Winsor Newton Designers Gouache da Vinci Student Beginner Paint Brushes da Vinci Cosmotop Spin da Vinci Maestro Acrylic Paint by Schmincke Amsterdam Acrylic Paint Film Editing Gear Editing Software Sony Vegas Pro 13___If you have any questions feel free to comment down below Thank you so much for watching guys have a wonderful day and I will see you soon mako TOP 5 MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Fun Creative Things To Do When You Are Bored At Home Other links MUSIC EpidemicSound comDisclaimer not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links This means I get a very small commission that may benefit me financially if you buy one of the products mentioned here



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