Fluffy Angel Cake using leftov...
Perfect way to use up left over egg white. Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites, sugar and flour only. Top up with whippe...
Never let anything stop you from creating Hope you enjoyed hearing why I draw and my journey to accepting my passion Thanks to Canon Canada for sponsoring this video and supporting creativity in all forms G I V E A W A Y1 Follow CanonCanada on Instagram2 Follow amandarachlee on Instagram F O L L O W M EBusiness Inquiries amandarachlee gmail com Music from YouTube Audio LibraryAnimation Design by Sirana Huang siranea
Perfect way to use up left over egg white. Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites, sugar and flour only. Top up with whippe...
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最近剛收到MAYBELLINE的新款精油唇膏 立馬聯想到L’OREAL鏡面唇膏! 兩款質地都超水潤 價錢還很親民~~~ 凱文看到它們就覺得心暖暖 身體都不冷了哈哈 #難道彩妝品才是保暖的關鍵?! #看到唇膏都不用暖暖包 #Kevin老師
まるって実は…。Actually, Maru is... Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Check out June's Journey Here : https://woo.ga/JunesJourneyAngelaClayton
今天要進行#開架彩妝 #熱門新品 唇膏全試色!還有介紹許多網友留言感興趣的生活好品!我的新相機、加濕器、清潔用品、廚房好物...等。 . 英國最大開架彩妝品牌RIMMEL倫敦芮魅~經典的小紅蓋、小藍蓋粉底液熱賣破萬瓶,眼影盤與腮紅系列更是廣受網友口碑好評!今年...
皆さん!とうとうビンゴとベルが初めて出会った瞬間でございます!皆さんもどういう反応をお互いがするのか楽しみに動画をご覧くださいませ。同じカワウソ同士仲良くなってくれれば良いのですが。ビンゴは多分自分の事カワウソだと思ってないかもしれません(汗 ◆チャンネル登録...
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