Will I Buy It? | Jaclyn Highlighters, Colourpop Coconuts, Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson

by MandyLea

Will I Buy It? | Jaclyn Highlighters, Colourpop Coconuts, Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson


Hey Guys Today we are talking about all the new makeup releases and my thoughts on them With the holidays around the corner buying makeup is not at the top of my list of priorities but that doesn t mean there aren t some things that have caught my eye And we are talking about them all today the Jaclyn Hill Highlighter collection the Colourpop coconuts collection the Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson palettes and more I would love to hear from you guys what are you interested in right now Be sure to share in the comments below Thank you all so much for stopping by o o x x o o X o X X xMandySamantha March s channel _______________________________________Products Mentioned business inquiries only please amandacarroll81 gmail com



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