提到的產品 1028飛機翹睫毛膏 Nature Republic 遮瑕 #21 Catrice打亮筆香檳色 Essence霧面腮紅 #20 Tonymoly 三養辣雞泡麵聯名款打亮 Heme 經典緞光唇膏 Etude House打底色眼影 #br401 Inn...
Patreon Please consider supporting my channel Nick Zammeti Instagram My Kit I use in my videos Makers Central The Music I use in my video s Nick Zammeti Personal Instagram My Website Charlie The Maker My Son s Channel The Epoxy Art Resin I Use Come follow me on Twitter Check out my Facebook Page SEND ME STUFF NICK ZAMMETIPO Box 363ROMSEYSO51 1DYUNITED KINGDOM PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE SENDING ME SOMETHING PLEASE COULD YOU MARK A LOW VALUE ON THE PACKAGE YOU ARE SENDING THANK YOU NICK ZAMMETI DISCLAIMERPlease note that my channel is for entertainment purposes only You should NOT rely solely upon the information and techniques discussed and displayed in my channel I m not a professional woodworker or woodturner and working with machinery can be dangerous It is recommended that you fully research each technique and decide for yourself what the safest possible work method is for you
提到的產品 1028飛機翹睫毛膏 Nature Republic 遮瑕 #21 Catrice打亮筆香檳色 Essence霧面腮紅 #20 Tonymoly 三養辣雞泡麵聯名款打亮 Heme 經典緞光唇膏 Etude House打底色眼影 #br401 Inn...
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가끔 억지로라도 일을 비우고 낮에 집에 있으려 합니다. 이유는 단 하나. 정말 단 하나. 아리가 졸려하기 때문입니다. 난 니가 졸고 있을 때 제일 이뻐.
This one covers a lot of ground and things I'm excited to share! Updates on the ponds, baby fish, stocking the DIY mini pond and t...
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