Yass or Pass?! Lets Talk New Makeup!

by Smokey Glow

Yass or Pass?! Lets Talk New Makeup!


Hi friends Today s video is another Yass or Pass I really love these videos and love hearing your opinions Let me know what you think about all of these new products down below I love you guys and I will see you in the next one USE CODE SMOKEYGLOW FOR 20 OFF AFFILIATED Mental Health Info National Suicide Hotline 1 800 273 8255National Sexual Assault Hotline 1 800 656 4673General Mental Health Hotline 1 877 726 4727Follow me on Social Media Twitter Glow_Smokey Instagram Glow_Smokey Tictok Smokey Glow Follow my pupper Oliver__Glow P O BOX 93013 Rochester NY 14692 PRODUCTS THAT LOOK LIKE THIS ARE AFFILIATED MEANING I WILL MAKE A SMALL COMMISSION IF YOU PURCHASE PRODUCTS THROUGH THIS LINK Buying anything through those links will give me a small profit if you would like to use them for your shopping



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