annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター http://twutea.web.fc2.com/ [BASE] ネットショップ アンナとラパン https://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/ [Etsy] 海外向け...
Hi everybodyIn this video we re going to do Lightning Bolts inspired by Ziggy Stardust Andrea s nails are already filled in and on the ring finger I m going to do two coats of Snow White and Top Coat and buff for the art We re going to use the colours to sketch out lightning bolts on the other nail and top coat I m going to use white acrylic paint to frame the design I ll topcoat the top and bottom of the nail for the designs we ve finished On the ring finger I m using black acrylic paint to create a silhouette of Ziggy Stardust Add the lightening bolt with gel polish and top coat then buff it matte I ll finish with cuticle oil I hope you enjoyed this video don t forget to like and subscribe Lots of Love KMxoxo OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Kirsty and all the team at Naio Nails would like to thank you for taking the time to watch our videos we hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them If you have a few minutes to spare We would like to ask for your help so that others can enjoy watching our videos too Instructions 1 Go to the video that you want to contribute closed captions to 2 In the player select the gear icon 3 From the drop down menu select Subtitles CC then Add subtitles or CC 4 Select the video s language 5 Play the video When you get to the part where you want to add a caption type your caption into the box 6 Repeat this process for all the audio in the video then click Submit for review 7 You ll be asked if the captions are complete or if there s still more to be done This helps us figure out if other contributors need to pick up where you left off Choose No Let others keep working on them or Yes They re ready to be reviewed 8 Click Submit Websites Social Media nailart acrylicnails nailtutorial
annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター http://twutea.web.fc2.com/ [BASE] ネットショップ アンナとラパン https://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/ [Etsy] 海外向け...
- 你感覺如何的想法在完美♡時尚閃耀成熟到餐廳布朗試圖閃爍約會妝塔哈♡不尋常的化妝? 💕
前半の雨のシーンはデジカメで撮ってみました。 いつもより画質がいいような気もするしそんなに変わらないような気もします。 でも撮りたい時に手元にないのでやっぱり日常を撮るのはスマホが一番だと思いました。 タンスの肥やしにならないように目につくところに飾っています...
Здравствуйте!Меня зовут Светлана!Это видео мастер класс диадемы к новому году!
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MAP:https://bit.ly/2ZNOY5R http://www.dahlia-machida.com/
シャツにビオラ可愛い😍 さりげないパープルで☺️ またシャツにお花の刺繍を入れたいです😍
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