Flower pattern, hand embroider...
Shasha Creative World #ShashaCreativeWorld #FlowerPattern I have used cotton threads of Syga brand for this embroidery,and the fab...
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Shasha Creative World #ShashaCreativeWorld #FlowerPattern I have used cotton threads of Syga brand for this embroidery,and the fab...
Hey guys! The other Friday night I filmed my first go at using the Mercury Retrograde palette by Huda Beauty, I love the look! I w...
안녕하세요. 블랑주니입니다. 스템스티치로 만드는 예쁜 장미자수에요. 스템스티치는 아우트라인 스티치와 실방향만 반대이고 사실상 기법이 같은 스티치입니다. 중심부터 빙빙둘러가며 실의 여유를 주면서 스티치를 하시면 풍성하고 볼륨감있는 장...
Hier seht ihr, wie man einen Regenbogen Wandbehang selber machen kann.
Spider and spider webs earrings - Ideas for Halloween jewelry from copper wire Another Halloween season again, every year to this...
ペットたちは良く動くので、目が回ったらゴメンね。 【ブログで動画の説明をしています】 http://blog.livedoor.jp/balloonrabbitmoco/archives/36642964.html 遊びに来てね。
Hi guys! Review for glitter.slimes, peachybbies, AudeezSlimes, scented slime by amy, Moon_Cotton, SlimeStrawberries and SlimeyCere...
В сегодняшнем видео большая работа связанная с переходом от наращивания ногтей к своей, натуральной длиннее и покрытию ногтей гель...
How To Make a Disney SNOW WHITE Princess Doll Cake / Pastel BLANCANIEVES
Drugstore makeup favorites and not so favorites in this month's edition of Must Haves & Must Nots! Full application details and we...
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