V-Kei Makeup with MEGAMASSO Ry...
このチャンネルでは毎日18時半に動画を投稿しています 動画に出てくるカワウソの名前はさくら 猫はもち です Thank you for watching my channel My name is Mako the owner of this otter Sakura and cat mochi Our daily life channel update are on every day Feel free to comment Thank you 3
We made a Gudetama jelly using real egg shells! There were a few moments along the way it looked like it wasn't going to work out ...
又來做皮膚管理啦! 這次一樣是來遇見美皮膚科 做了毛孔針+草莓鼻+皮膚管理 - 診所資訊: 遇見美look&me整形外科皮膚科(룩앤미성형외과) 地址:首爾新沙洞591-18 5樓 (서울 신사동 591-18 5 ,6층 ) 中文客服☎ WeChat:lo...
色々と忙しくてちょっと投稿に間が空いてしまいました。 みんな元気なので安心してください!
On the eve of the release of her new film, "A Star Is Born," Lady Gaga invites Vogue to her LA home and answers 73 intriguing ques...
Marinated in saikyo miso and baked to perfection, Black Cod with Miso is a beautiful seafood dish you can pull off at home. With i...
Remember when I used to get tutorials posted within a week of an MV being released? 😂🙈 Good times. Sorry there's been a bit of a w...
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