How to: Polygel Nails Using Du...
In this video I will try Rossi Polygel with dual forms on myself. I decided to use "Nude" and "Natural clear" colors as it looks l...
さくら 雪だ うひょーーーーカワウソが雪で遊ぶ動画が有名ですが コツメカワウソはもともと寒い地域の動物ではないため 寒いのは得意ではありません 寒い地域に住むカワウソたちは雪が好きです 動物園や水族館でも冬場外で遊ぶこともありますが もちろん暖かい設備も用意があります なので コツメカワウソに雪を体験させてあげるときは五分以内で帰宅して 温めてあげてください 毎週 水曜日 土曜日18時半に投稿しています 宜しければtwitterやブログもどうぞ Thank you for watching my channel My name is Mako the owner of this otter Sakura Our daily life channel update are on Wednesday and Saturday in Japanese time Feel free to comment Thank you 3
In this video I will try Rossi Polygel with dual forms on myself. I decided to use "Nude" and "Natural clear" colors as it looks l...
Hey Larlees, todays video is a HUGE PR unboxing!!!! The Holidays are OVERRR and I received some goodies from makeup and skin care ...
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간단한 3가지 재료로 망고 화이트 초콜릿 무스를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down belo...
ダイソーの型で作るハートガトーショコラ | Heart Chocolate Cake/ Valentine I made gateau au chocolat for Valentine. This is a very thick and deliciou...
Welcome :) New videos everyday..
実家にあったかわいい猫ちゃんピンチ。 作りやすい型紙を作って、作ってみました。 手縫いでもミシンでも作れます。(尻尾は手縫いでつけます)
4 min on each side for this French Ribeye Steak -
오랜만에 영화 제 5원소를 보다가 밀라요보비치의 파격적인 오렌지 헤어에서 영감을 얻어 가발도 똑같이 사서 다듬고 영상을 촬영해봤어요! 생각해보니 제가 쨍한 오렌지 계열의 메이크업을 보여드린적이 한 번도 없더라구요. 따라하실만한 메...
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