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ご存知の方もいらっしゃると思いますが そう ハナは双子だったのです そしてこの日はなんと双子のこむぎ君が大阪から遊びに来てくれました 2人が会うのは赤ちゃんの時以来 はたしてお互いのことを覚えているのか もしかしたらハナとこむぎがタッグ組んでコタローにツインアタック なんて心配は無用 ハナはコタローに対してかなりの忠誠心を持っており こむぎも朗らかで優しい性格の男の子でしした そんなハナとそっくり顔こむぎ君はカワウソカフェLOUTRE ルートル 大阪店におます お近くの方はぜひ会いに行ってみてください カワウソカフェ LOUTRE LOUTREの動画 LOUTREのチャンネル ビストロ ゴンアルブル ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーHello We live in Japan with two Asian Small Clawed Otters Kotaro Male DOB 11 10 2017Kotaro has a scar on his tail from being bitten by another otter when he was still a baby Hana Female DOB 11 24 2018They have been toilet trained they use a special pad that is designed for small dogs Since I m using a translation function my sentences might come out strange Please provide me with corrections if anything is translated improperly カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ 動物
Get the Amika Smooth Operator Set here!
✔ 옆면의 원단 사이즈 정정 합니다. 사이즈를 잘못 표기 하였어요 죄송 합니다. 20cmx18cm로 표기한 사이즈를 10cmx18cm로 수정 합니다. 착오없이 만드시길 바랍니다. 거듭 죄송 합니다
FINALLY! The highly requested overnight heatless waves tutorial 💁🏻♀️ This is literally life-changing; I haven't touched my curlin...
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This video is dedicated to all the professionals who are continuing to work so that Oliver can stay safe inside! We especially wou...
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Chubby chihuahua making progress
These are 12 Christmas cookies for the modern era. Susan Spungen is a food stylist and cookbook author. She created these cookies ...
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