今年の流行語大賞にアタチの うぇーにゃむにゃむ が入ってないってどゆことー ぴえーん ところで おむすびころりんクレーターてなんなのよ コタローとハナ2020年カレンダー販売中 壁掛けタイプ 1280円卓上タイプ 1080円 税込 送料無料 それぞれ中身の写真は違うものになっています 購入希望の方は 現在こちらのサイトで販売しています amazon PAY利用の方はこちら KOTARO HANA 2020 Japanese Calendar Now on sale International shipping is availableWall calendar price is 1280yen It s about 12 dollars Desk calendar price is 1080yenPlease scroll down for the English versionAmazon Pay Kotaro male DOB 11 10 2017 He has a scar on his tail bitten by another otter when he was babyHana female DOB 11 24 2018I use Google translatePlease correct me if I m wrong カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ
Terceiro vídeo desta nossa série para a montagem de um shortinho fofo, desde o bordado livre, a modelagem e agora, a costura. Vere...
Fall warm mocha makeup tutorial and recipe created in partnership with Nordstrom! Open for products used:
Hi lovelies, I'm so sorry for absence on youtube in the past month. If you don't follow me on other social media you probably didn...
Today I’m FINALLY sitting down to try Tati Westbrook’s TATI BEAUTY eyeshadow palette AND Jaclyn Cosmetics highlighters! Of course,...
Foxy Spinner Card Tutorial The punches and stamps are from Stampin up, if you don't have a Stampin Up Demonstrator you can order f...
This is Max’s morning and it’s very basic to changing his diaper and feeding him to play time
Seen in Italy in Acqui Terme
Самый простой рецепт мороженого всего из двух ингредиентов!!! Готовится 5 минут + время на заморозку;)
How to paint blue abstract art using acrylic colors. this art was born after 70 minutes.. i have created textured surface with ran...
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