
by yurino hana



チワワのかんぺーくんと インコのモレッキくん 仲良しの同い年兄弟です 今日はチワワのトリミングに行ってきました 疲れ果てておねむのチワワと 会えて嬉しいインコが喋りかけてみるものの 自分も眠くなっちゃうインコでした 艸



(240) Acrylic Fluid Painting R...

  • by Art by Susan King 1370

Acrylic Fluid Painting Reverse Dip Some Ingredients used in this video are toxic Please wear a respirator for your safety and make...

BEST & WORST // Drugstore Crea...

  • by Jessica Braun | JAMbeauty89 1435

My best & worst / trying to rank all of my drugstore cream and liquid products - blush, bronzer, highlight & duos! Links, prices +...

Easy Work Makeup

  • by Speed Beauty by Caroline Barnes 1678

This week I show you how to create an easy work makeup that is understated, polished and long lasting. This is a makeup look that ...