倪晨曦make up tutorial -以古典風恭賀新禧!魅惑風華的古風美人妝Chinese New Year Make up(eng sub)

by Elva Ni

倪晨曦make up tutorial -以古典風恭賀新禧!魅惑風華的古風美人妝Chinese New Year Make up(eng sub)


恭喜發財 今天是農曆新年的年初一 就容我示範一個風華絕代的古風美人妝吧 晨曦在此恭祝各位在狗年萬事如意 財旺 人旺 凡事旺旺 Product List Charlotte Tilbury Brightening Youth Glow NARS Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation L3 Gobi Giorgio Armani High Precision Retouch 3Burberry Effortless contouring pen face eyesBobbi Brown Downtown Cool Eye Shadow Palette Brunette Brow Lash Ex Water Strong W Eyebrow Tom Ford Eye defining pen 01 deeperUrban Decay Eyeshadow Palette After Party Roadie Ardell Professional Natural LashesDup Eyelashes Fixer EXMajolica Majorca Lash KingPanasonic Eyelash CurlerM A C Mineralize Blush A57 Chanel Precision Lip Definer 98Christian Louboutin Sheer Voile 804



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