簡単オーロラ色ミラーネイル!【How to easy aur...
Hey guys! in today's video,how to easy aurora mirror nails. All hand drawing.If you are interested, please do have a look.
狸貓 不是每隻貓都會抓老鼠小強啊 志銘 尤其是胖貓 黃阿瑪的後宮生活 被貓咪包圍的日子 志銘與狸貓 我們是黃阿瑪的奴才 平時在米花映像從事廣告等相關工作 這裡除了會放FB上的直播記錄 瑪瑪信箱 和 主題直播 之外 還會放一些生活的Vlog 阿瑪影片的花絮畫面 但貓的畫面會相對來得少些 如果想單純看貓 歡迎去阿瑪的頻道訂閱喔
Hey guys! in today's video,how to easy aurora mirror nails. All hand drawing.If you are interested, please do have a look.
I met two cute cats in the park which were very friendly. They were hungry and asking for food. I fed them and said good bye until...
I love these paints so much! I just wish I was more capable with my acrylics like I used to be. Still I think this turned out ok f...
基本が一番美味しい!という気持ちから 「THE SIMPLE」シリーズはスタートしました。
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I'm Betsy, Home Decor Enthusiast, Yorkie Mama, Crafter, Blogger, Picky Eater, Chief Mess Maker, Antique Hoarder and Graphic Design...
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This couple rescues baby kangaroos in Australia and become their mom and dad. They raise the kangaroos and release them to the wil...
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