【光透裸肌】底妝秘技 Translucent & Luminous Base Makeup [ENG. Sub.]

by Shirley Hsu Makeup Studio

【光透裸肌】底妝秘技 Translucent & Luminous Base Makeup [ENG. Sub.]


光透裸肌 底妝秘技Translucent Luminous Base Makeup想擁有水潤光透的底妝 妝前保養及飾底動作不可缺 Prep and prime the skin prior to the makeup is the key to a translucent glowing base makeup 讓肌膚喝飽水 修飾膚質及膚色問題 底妝就能清透服貼又持久 Sufficient moisture to the skin improved skin texture and the correcting of skin color will lead the base makeup to be translucent and glowing as well to last longer 再利用自然細緻的光澤與霧面底妝產品堆疊 就能為臉部加強立體透亮感 Aside from that by applying natural and delicate textures of lustrous and matte products of base makeup on different areas of the face skin will glow and the feature will be enhanced 有了光透裸肌 其他部位 眼 頰 唇 的妝容只需以薄透水潤感的橘銅色 珊瑚色及鲑魚粉色系點綴 就能更凸顯清透水亮的膚質 When the skin is translucent and flawless other areas eyes cheeks and lips of makeup can be simply touched up by applying some jelly textured coral pink and earth tone colors which will enhance the luminosity and texture of the skin 常有浮粉 易脫妝的美眉可以試試看這些手法喔 Try them out if you have problems of lasting base makeup Product List 產品資訊 Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum ExCOSME DECORTE Moisture LiposomeTHREE BALANCING EMULSIONGiorgio Armani Maestro UV Skin Defense Primer SPF 50SHISEIDO Synchro Skin Glow Luminizing Fluid Foundation Neutral 2Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Encre de Peau B30L Occitane Immortelle Essential WaterGiorgio Armani Master Color Corrector 1 PinkLaura Mercier Candleglow Concealer and Highlighter 0 5CLIO VF21 Volume Brightener 01 Pink BeigeJILL STUART secret control 02 Warm PinkTHREE Epic Mini Dash 01 NA STAR CHILDPony Effect Everlasting cushion foundation Rosy IvoryMake Up Forever ULTRA HD MICROFINISHING PRESSED POWDER 01 TranslucentRMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX 17RMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX 14Becca Ombre Rouge Eye Palette 3COSME DECORTE AQMW Jelly eyeshadow BR381W Lab Long Stay Mascara FixerBUXOM True Nude Lip Foundation NudeKAI DELUXE Extreme Color Lipstick 77 The LadyMakeup artist 許有湘 Shirley HsuProduction Cookies and CheeseModel 朱綺綺Hairstylist Soven Email shirleyyhhsu gmail com



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