
by Got Cake?






Astor x Bobbi Brown|用好的遮瑕膏,遮瑕一...

  • by Astor 街頭時尚 1121

▲影片中使用的產品都在資訊欄▲ 打破以往的高遮瑕力的遮瑕膏就很乾的刻板印象,一抹完美遮瑕筆的遮瑕力又高又有一定的滋潤度,粉質很細又服貼,持妝度也有很不錯的表現,是近年覺得很值得購入的遮瑕產品之一!

Stanley Needed a Bath | Day ...

  • by That Pug Pablo & Co 956

Little Stan the man seems to have encountered a slight issue which means it's time for his first bath! Nothing too fancy of long, ...

Waterfall landscape Japan // G...

  • by Sandra Ruberto 1482

It has been a while since I've posted a gouache painting and sharing with you the painting process! I missed sharing these kind of...