夏の赤リップメイク2019Summer RED LIP Makeup
今回も動画見て頂きありがとうございました 参考になれば幸いです ノ I can t speak English But I hope you enjoy 良かったらフォローしてください ノ Twitter instagram With love 愛を込めて Ami
Our Last Day With Shadow
the real reason why you haven't seen too many vlogs from me... thank you guys so much for the kind words. I hope you're all stayin...
【Everyday Makeup】12月の毎日メイク【最近の...
ゆるっと雑談メイクです。 朝のメイクや夜の晩酌など・・・ ラジオみたいに聴きながらチラッと見てもらえたら嬉しいです♡
三款 CHLOE 包包優缺點分享, 好用嗎?值得買嗎? | ...
謝謝大家收看, 今天分享的單品細節都在下方⇩⇩資訊欄喔⇩⇩點開看
三毛猫のミレレの強化週間が続いております 新しい椅子に変えたいのにやられそうで怖くて踏み切れないw インスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/pontaxponta
INSTANT Marble Nail Extension ...
Step by step tutorial showing you how to create a polygel marble nail extension using dual forms :)
Cats Obsessed With Camera
While trying out this pet/security camera - the Nooie Cam 360 - Smoothie & Milkshake were so intrigued that they almost destroyed ...
DIY Simple Syrups To Make 4 De...
Spend Earth Day sipping on some delicious cocktails with these 4 DIY simple syrup recipes! If you want more of Tasty, check out o...
Spa Day! *please read descrip...
Gotcha the Moluccan Cockatoo. Follow Gotcha on Instagram!: https://instagram.com/gotcha_the_cockatoo