
by タイピー日記/taipi



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The Best Glitter Gel for Nails

  • by The Nail Hub 1360

Who doesn't love glitter?! Light Elegance makes the best glitter gels out there and we are so excited to offer them here at The Na...

White Cherry Tree Blossoms and...

  • by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich 1002

Supplies available at sponsor Jerry's Artarama! http://www.jerrysartarama.com/ Use coupon code: frugal20FS49 for 20% off $49 + Fre...

Making a 1920s Silk Slip // Pa...

  • by TheClosetHistorian 889

Of course I needed a dark navy 1920's slip to wear under my new blue lace dress, so here is how I made one using the same 1920's p...