
by 從心勵志人生



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Making an 18th Century Skirt ...

  • by Angela Clayton 1693

Complete with crappy pattern diagrams! I go through the process of making a simple 18th century skirt, that pairs with the Jumps f...

How To make Chocolate Cake Vid...

  • by yummy Cake Lovers 1809

How To make Chocolate Cake Videos|Most Oddly Satisfying Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorials Subscribe for more compilation videos! *...


  • by 朱綺綺 999

好久不見的全開架妝容教學! 帶點微醺~簡單到不行的秋冬楓葉妝🍷 現在開架也越做越好 媚點大家一定也不陌生 這次除了妝容也挑出一些很適合最近天氣的暖楓橘唇彩🍁 雖說唇膏只出兩系列 不過顏色真的是有夠多!但整體色系還是偏保守的日系唇膏類 喜歡它們完全~沒有~味...

Vintage Pillow Making - From t...

  • by Christine McConnell 1145

In this episode I make Canadian Smocked Pillows as well as several other vintage styles. To see more of these videos and to suppor...