Watermelon Ice Cream
This has to be the most perfect summer dessert I've ever had. I definitely couldn't have done it without a little inspiration from...
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This has to be the most perfect summer dessert I've ever had. I definitely couldn't have done it without a little inspiration from...
This guy's weekend plans are goals. He had breakfast with his dog, took a bubble bath with him and even took him to the gym!
It's pretty on the outside, at least!
**Update- So we tried this act on TV finally, here is the result- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__QPrt11JB8&feature=youtu.be
TEKOLABO(アイアンフレーム) http://tekolabostore.com
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画 #120 https://youtu.be/FtIse_7Cuvs #猫 #楽しい #可愛い #リラックス
Amazing Trick Sewing Hack | Hand embroidery trick
고양이들은 툭탁툭탁하면서 크는가봐요!
Sorry for reuploading this video, it was taken down by Youtube due to the music i used in the video.
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