So that Aty can swim better [O...
It is the second day of river camp at Noro Lodge. Ayt has not been able to swim without hard training. Everything needs practice.
Background music Lovely_Afternoon_Breeze如需聯絡可電郵至 chachafeedback gmail com出片量不定 但時間都會跟往日的星期六 星期日中午12時 敬請期待
It is the second day of river camp at Noro Lodge. Ayt has not been able to swim without hard training. Everything needs practice.
This video is sponsored by AncestryDNA. To buy your own kit for yourself or a loved one visit:
To buy the products I use in my videos, check out my Amazon Store; the price to you is the same, but I will earn a very small comm...
Преображение ногтей с помощью гель лака. Исправляем трапециевидную форму ногтей(правильный опил свободного края). Делаю коррекцию ...
I've been asked to make techniques videos showing how to sew in a bag base and make a cube, so this tutorial covers both! The cube...
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In this video, we will learn how to paint flower in watercolor, "Purple Tulips" for beginners.
Marinated in saikyo miso and baked to perfection, Black Cod with Miso is a beautiful seafood dish you can pull off at home. With i...
Proof that pit bulls are giant babies 💛 From Meaty, the pup with the most infectious smile, to the Blue Boys, champs of self care,...
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