100 year old WEIRD baking hack...
Baking hacks from my Great Grandmother's 100 year old cook book! Some are common sense, others are weird and one is genius. SUBSCR...
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Baking hacks from my Great Grandmother's 100 year old cook book! Some are common sense, others are weird and one is genius. SUBSCR...
ZENTANGLE pattern drawing tutorial step by step.
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画面の中のボス吉に反応するネコ吉です。 キョロキョロ探すような仕草に笑ってしまいました(^-^; 2019年のお昼のショート動画はこれにて終了となりますが、今年は後もう一本、洗面所のリフォームpart3を公開します。 ネコ吉&ボス吉も登場しますので、是非ご覧く...
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🌷7 Flowers Embroidery Pattern : https://www.etsy.com/listing/812274732/pdf-pattern7-flowers-video-tutorial?ref=shop_home_active_1
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