Daily Challenge 23 / Acrylic /...
Here's my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/duongtieng .I will be happy, if you find something interesting for yourselves
딸기안녕하세요 키미예요 이제 마트에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 딸기 시골에는 여러 농장들이 많은데 저희집 가까운 딸기 농장에서 청용 딸기로 나온작거나 못생긴 맛없는 것들의 딸기를 싸게 사재기해서 여름내 먹을 딸기를 쟁였어요 맛은 역시 새콤하니 없네요 이런건 역시 잼이나 청 우유랑 갈아 마시면 최고죠 그럼 모두 건강 조심하세요 전 넘 더워서 밭 일이 Q A 시골생활 촬영장비의 모든 것Everything about living in the countryside Everything about filming equipment that I use 닉네임 키미 은 제 이름을 본딴 예명입니다 E MAIL ymgs1888 naver com
Here's my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/duongtieng .I will be happy, if you find something interesting for yourselves
Caramel pours and chocolate drizzles, need we say more? Watch these salted caramel coconut cookies bake perfectly in our LG ProBak...
歌い手・踊り手アーティスト「舞」【第三回Kawaii Pateenオーディション合格者】 KAWAII PATEEN初登場!! 今回は、ライブの時にするライブメイク。
Check out the hypnotizing process of wax sealing - it's so charming and delightful! The results are pure perfection!
自從離開加拿大來到香港生活之後,已經很少機會可以滑雪,最多也是兩年一次吧,上個月因為工作的關係來到了柏林,也順道來到了這個世界上幸福指數最高的國家,展開我的滑雪之旅:) 訂閱我的頻道 ►https://www.youtube.com/misselvani F...
Remember Nikkie's "nice" holiday makeup look? This week, she's back with a "naughty" look, think sultry eyes and a vampy lip! She ...
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You might think you NEED to have a Die Cutting machine to cut out shapes for your felt flowers - and while die cutting machines ar...
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