Paper Bois
Always bout that paper 🗞
오늘은 루루 라라 생일파티를 했어요 편집고양이가 고양이들에게 여러가지 간식과 개껌 을 선물로 줬어요 고양이들에게 개껌을 보여줬어요 루루는 멍멍이에요
Always bout that paper 🗞
So it's time for a little snack. Smoothie and Milkshake can't take it any longer and desperately NEED it. Lots of meowing, snackin...
After Lady Gaga won an OSCAR and performed with Bradley Cooper, I invited her incredible makeup artist SARAH TANNO to my studio to...
▲影片中使用的產品都在資訊欄▲ 飽和腮紅-#KATE 3D明暗雙色腮紅 RD-1 修容腮紅-#LOREAL 輕透光感單色腮紅 SWEET CORAL 提亮腮紅-#TheSaem 粉漾甜姊兒單色腮紅 PK05
SMASHBOX released 30 New Synthetic Makeup Brushes, here's what they did right, wrong and what you should buy! xo's ~ Tati G I V E...
DIY Easy & Simple Pouch 2 Sizes | Beginner Sewing Projects This video shows how to easily make POUCH by own hands.
Finally have my hands on Charlotte Tilbury’s latest lipstick collection! Swatching seven of her Hot Lips 2 shades, from a clear ba...
90度寝が気持ちよさそうなリム( ´艸`) 次は、飼い主(父ちゃん)にナデナデしてもらうぞ~💕 とっても気持ちよさそうなリムを見ていた柴犬リコ🎵 私ももっと、ナデナデして~💕 手を止めると、父ちゃんに要求しちゃう(*´艸`) 幸せそうなリコをじーーっと見つめる...
【夢だけど】トトロケーキ【夢じゃなかった!】 テイストメイドは食や旅をテーマにしたグローバルなビデオネットワークです。facebook、Instagram、twitterも公開中。
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