수리와 노을이의 입양전 미공개 영상 공개!!!(세로모드)

by 수리노을SuriNoel

수리와 노을이의 입양전 미공개 영상 공개!!!(세로모드)


아 귀여워




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* ARCHES冷壓水彩140lb紙9X12塊* HOLBEIN水彩:喹吖啶酮紫,皇家藍,中性色調,吡咯魯賓,吡咯紅,喹吖啶酮紅,原始西瑙納,那不勒斯黃,黃赭石,燒焦錫耶納,伯恩·翁白

Halloween Drawing 2 (not narra...

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I decided to make this video without narration - I liked to just watch the flow of watercolor! Let me know what you think and whic...