2019.11.7 みゃうの猫日記 【Miaou みゃう】
みゃうのぶろぐ(Miaou blog) https://miaou-cat.jp/
구독자 40만 가즈아ㅏㅏ 구독 한번씩 꾹꾹 부탁해요 오독오독 이에 들러붙지 않는 탕후루 벌써 많은 분들이 만들어보셔서 성공했다고 좋아해주시니 저도 덩달아 기쁩니다 이제 직접 만들었으니 한번 먹어봐야죠 새해 복 많이 받으시구 누구보다도 행복한 명절 보내시길 바라요
みゃうのぶろぐ(Miaou blog) https://miaou-cat.jp/
How To Make Tapioca Pearls & Bubble Tea Recipe [ASMR] タピオカティーの作り方 [Eating sound] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohnino2/ Fac...
Hey! So obviously Mia sleeps a lot being a little bald bambino, hence why we have filmed a similar video today but it was too cute...
仲良しなふたりにお年玉をプレゼント!I gave the new year's gift to Maru&Hana.
Day 7 of the Holiday Card Series 2018. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week...
I LOVE Chinese food and wherever I go in the world it's fun to see how Chinese food is adapted in the local region. In this video,...
【サブチャンネル】アカリン家 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOsx…
検診のため動物病院にきた途端ご立腹(汗) キャリーから出そうとしたらご覧の通り、思い切り手を噛まれました。 メンテナンスしてるから大丈夫ですが…かなり痛い…。
もも「きゃはははは!楽しいなー!」 天「ちょっと静かにしてくれニャイか」 もも「ノリが悪いぞー。天も穴掘りしたら気分爽快だよ」 天「僕は猫だぞ。正気か(`・ω・´)」
【朝限定のあの味をいつでも…!?】マッ◯グ◯ドル🍳 レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2nBfCvM
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