I've recreated the makeup look that I did on Supermodel Naomi Campbell on the beautiful Remi - One of my TOP requested makeup look...
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I've recreated the makeup look that I did on Supermodel Naomi Campbell on the beautiful Remi - One of my TOP requested makeup look...
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If your curious about beading and bead embroidery but don't want to make a large investment to try it some in expensive dollar sto...
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HEY EVERYONE! 🐱 Today we are testing out Laura Lee's new makeup line!!! Her first product launching on OCT. 13TH is an eyeshadow p...
This in my new book, Half Yard Vintage, filled with 23 nostalgic ideas for you to sew. From a shabby chic Christmas stocking to a ...
Learn to make this pretty looking latkan! Simple and easy to make and decorate your dress or blouse!
#새끼고양이 #길냥이 #길고양이 한 달 동안 엄청 컸네요! 식빵 굽고 있으면 9개월 머루랑 덩치가 비슷합니다😂
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