〈聖誕甜品〉抹茶曲奇 ┃Christmas Matcha Cookies

by MoLaLa Cook

〈聖誕甜品〉抹茶曲奇 ┃Christmas Matcha Cookies


RECIPE 材料 Ingredients牛油 Butter 60g糖粉 Icing sugar 30g鹽 Salt little 蛋黃 Egg yolk 1淡忌廉 Whipping Cream 10g低筋麵粉 Cake flour 80g抹茶粉 Matcha 4g白巧克力 White chocolate果乾 Dried fruit 步驟 Instructions1 室溫牛油加入糖粉少量鹽 打至淺白色2 分次加入室溫蛋黃 淡忌廉 打至混合3 分2次篩入麵粉 抹茶粉 攪拌至無粉粒 加入擠花袋4 擠出圓形後 焗150 C 20 22分鐘 FACEBOOKINSTAGRAMCONTACT ME molalacook gmail comMUSIC Christmas Love Jimin Snow Flower V Equipments Camera Fujifilm XT 20Lens XF 18 55 F2 8 4Mic Zoom H6Edit Final Cut Pro Cookies 曲奇 聖誕



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