Apricot and Caramelized White ...
This Apricot and Caramelized White Chocolate Mousse Cake is a delightful and rich dessert consisting of an almond sponge cake at t...
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This Apricot and Caramelized White Chocolate Mousse Cake is a delightful and rich dessert consisting of an almond sponge cake at t...
Chocolate Coconut Bûche de Noël (Yule Log) - an impressive Christmas dessert, with a soft chocolate sponge cake filled with a whit...
Have you ever tried color spraying your hair and it just turn out to a fail each time!? Well, in today's video, "DIY DIP ON Hair D...
ガルーは肩の上が大好きです。 なぜか左肩が好きなようで、右肩に乗るとわざわざ首の後ろを通って左肩に移動します。
①不對齊其他基質!脆皮托羅 - 蛋撻
Grab the RECIPE here: http://thescranline.com
To take your capsule wardrobe from summer to fall, here are 4 tips: - layering (over and under existing clothes) - playing with fa...
暑いときは何もしないに限る。It's too hot so Maru doesn't want to do anything.
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