まるバス。-Maru Bus.-
まるバス発車しまーす。 BGM channel by h/mix -秋山裕和 公式チャンネル- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPMwbX6-SclEmvFX5_ihCw Blog: http://sisinmaru.co...
We made some sunny side up fried eggs with some bamboo charcoal mixed in I m sure it ll surprise you how pitch black it is but bamboo charcoal is actually a type of charcoal that has a number of effects that are good for your body such as it s detoxing and deodorising properties It s the arrival of the charcoal boom Recipe 1 Coat the base of your frying pan and the mould evenly with salad oil 2 Take 3g of bamboo charcoal powder 1 tsp and dissolve it in a small amount of water 1 tsp 3 Take 2 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks 4 Whip the egg whites then add the mix from step 2 and mix further 5 Heat the frying pan over a medium flame 6 Insert the mould and leave for 30 seconds 7 Pour in the egg mix from step 4 8 Pour the egg yolks into the eyes section 9 Fry for 3 minutes on a low flame 10 Remove the mould then you re ready to serve 竹炭のパウダーを混ぜた目玉焼き作りました あまりの真っ黒さにビックリ すると思いますが 実は竹炭はデトックス効果や消臭効果など体にいいこといっぱいの炭なんです 我が家に炭ブーム到来か レシピ 1 フライパンと型にまんべんなく薄くサラダ油を塗る 2 竹炭パウダー 3g 小さじ 1 を少量の水 小さじ 1程度 で溶きのばす 3 卵 2個は卵白と卵黄に分ける 4 卵白を溶きほぐし 2を加えてさらに溶く 5 フライパンを中火で温める 6 型を置いて30秒待つ 7 4を流し入れる 8 目の部分に卵黄を入れる 9 3分ほど弱火で焼く 10 型を外し お皿に盛り付ける Halloween SansFromUndertale FriedEggs Black Skull Recipe ASMR OddlySatisfying Relaxing Soothing 音フェチ YouTubeBlack BlackFriday
まるバス発車しまーす。 BGM channel by h/mix -秋山裕和 公式チャンネル- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPMwbX6-SclEmvFX5_ihCw Blog: http://sisinmaru.co...
Hey Beauties!!! Today I am going to be updating you all on recent makeup purchases that I have tried. I hope you all enjoy! -Mel...
From copy cats to a goofy doggo and even a festive chinchilla...Enjoy Best Pets of the Week!!!!
영상 제보 및 문의 ↓ (카카오톡, 페이스북 메신저 , 이메일) FeelSoGood 카카오톡 플러스친구 : http://pf.kakao.com/_pmxcAxl FeelSoGood 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.co...
Hands up, who loves to spoil their pets? This week I am sharing some Pet DIYs and I am sharing how to make a cat collar and also h...
年前大家都要趕著把工作收尾,忙碌之下是否肌膚狀況都很疲倦? 今天來分享三個Melvita蜜葳特摩洛哥堅果濃萃緊緻精露的用法來拯救你的疲倦鬆垮肌,讓大家簡單輕鬆擁有元氣澎彈肌來迎接新年!❤️
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How to make Popcorn - Pop on a corn วิธีที่จะทำให้ข้าวโพดคั่ว - ป๊อปในข้าวโพด Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/rWR53z ----------...
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