Cat Giving Birth to 5 kittens with complete different color

by Lucky Paws

Cat Giving Birth to 5 kittens with complete different color


100 Days Kitten Videos Please SHARE OUR VIDEOS with your friends Lucky Paws Family Love you all Belly is one and a half years old She is cute and clever Cause I got depression problems 3 years ago Life was hopeless My friends were suggested to me to raise a cat So Belly comes into my life She helps me bottom out from the dark days Hope this video could also bring you some inner peace and happiness I will keep updating this channel Hope all these kittens could have a happy life Follow us on Belly Ore and Reo love you all I will keep updating their videos and photos Hope you all have a happy life Thanks for the Music from Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 panting cat labor tabby contractions birthing pregnant pregnancy mother cats kitten kittens giving having babies baby babies furry kitty born pets video pet british shorthair meow cut cord delivery birth breed asmr animals giving birth cat give birth animal birth 猫怀孕 生小猫 猫分娩 猫は出産します 猫の妊娠 猫の出産 chat donne naissance chat chat enceinte Katze schwanger Katze gebären 고양이 임신 고양이가 낳다 cat gravidam cat nasceris кошка беременна кошка рожает gata embarazada kedi doğurur LuckyPaws CatGivingBirth Kittens



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