Sparkling Baubles Necklace Tut...
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Hand embroidery Brazilian design Brazilian embroidery designAlong with knitting and quilting embroidery too is experiencing a new resurgence in its popularity Crafters who like quilting more often than not enjoy embroidery too and often are torn between the two crafts as they are both equally engrossing Fortunately embroidery and quilting go hand in hand Crafters who enjoy quilting but also want to pursue the craft of embroidery can follow them both in a combined craft Embroidered quilts are perhaps the most beautiful crafted creations that man has hand made An example of this the crazy quilts of the Victorian era These quilts are mostly made from silk usually leftovers from men s ties or other pieces of fabric and are pieced together randomly and then embellished with heavy embroidery Even if you are more attracted to the traditional quilts you must not fail to have a look at the crazy quilts to have an idea about what kind of embroidery you can use for embellishing your quilt The embroidery in crazy quilts is extensive and very often it covers nearly the entire area of the surface of the quilt But in case you don t have time for that you cal always use embroidery in touches here and there to give your quilted clothing or quilt some texture and depth Often quilters prefer to do machine quilting instead of hand They might even prefer to embroider their quilts by machine There are a number of powerful sewing machines available in the market and embroidering is hence made extremely easy A number of sewing machines have functions for embroidery with a variety of stitches that are easy to use with just a switch on the machine Like embroidery floss a number of specialty threads are offered for machine embroidery Follow us
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When Danielle rescued a sick duckling at Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Israel, she took care of him until he got stronger and tried ev...
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小さい頃からいっぱい遊んでいたどうぶつの森!とうとうSwitchでも発売になりましたね〜! そんなどうぶつの森を記念して今回は「キャラ弁」を作ってみました。 お馴染みの”たぬきち”と”しずえ”を表現してみましたよ! 簡単かわいく作ることができますのでぜひ作って...
[速水もこみち流]#043 エジプト風豆コロッケ ※日本語字幕ついてます / English subtitle available
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