Timos health update (Timo th...
We went to a specialistic animal centre. The specialist made an ultrasound and took a biopsy of Timo's kidneys under light sedatio...
Tamagoyaki is a type of Japanese omelette which is made by rolling together several layers of cooked egg These usually are prepared in a rectangular omelette pan called a makiyakinabe There are several types of tamagoyaki It is made by combining eggs and sometimes sugar or soy sauce Additionally sake and mirin are used in some recipes Tamagoyaki is served around the world in the form of nigiri and also appears in many types of sushi rolls In Japan it is also served as a breakfast dish and in other preparations As part of a sushi sashimi dinner tamago is usually taken as the final course in essence a dessert bite In Japanese it s 卵焼き or 玉子焼き literally grilled egg also called tamago or dashimaki Dashimaki Tamago ダシ巻き玉子焼
We went to a specialistic animal centre. The specialist made an ultrasound and took a biopsy of Timo's kidneys under light sedatio...
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Thanks so much for tuning into my CHANEL - Les Beiges Collection 2019 video. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
Download do Molde Pattern https://www.midala.com.br/pagina/videos-tutoriais.html
HAND EMBROIDERY: Fly Stitch Leaf & bud FOR Sudanese rose #malina_gm - top embroidery In this video you will learn how to embroid...
コスメブランド『MIRAGEM』(ミラジェム)を設立しました! 詳細はこちらから!https://miragem.co.jp/
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表参道のVioletで美容師をしているMANAEです!普段はモデルさんにメイクをするお仕事もしています♪以前クリスマスのデートメイクでMimiTV初登場しました✨ ベースメイクはツヤや質感が重要!韓国コスメも好きなので参考になると嬉しいです💇♀️
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