Whats In My Backpack (Kånken):...
What's In My Kanken Backpack // Today, i'm going over all the things i bring with me to school in my backpacks. __________________...
What's In My Kanken Backpack // Today, i'm going over all the things i bring with me to school in my backpacks. __________________...
南瓜のスイートポテト風♡ | Sweet Pumpkin Cake
- 수제비는 추억이 많이 담긴 음식 중에 하나인데요~ 오늘은 김치를 넣어 칼칼한 국물 맛을 내어봤어요. 엄마의 손맛이 얼큰한 김치 수제비에 가득 담겼어요~ '영상에 어떻게 보여질까..' 걱정 반, 설렘 반으로 함께 부추전까지 만들었는...
This is my first art journal page that I've done on my handmade art journal book (link below). This is the short version, there wi...
통 딸기가 가득한 노오븐 마스카포네 치즈 케이크를 만들었어요~ ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed recipe...
Apple lovers, unite! Check out these easy and delicious apple recipes that you'll totally fall for. These apple recipes are perfec...
元宵節-草莓糰子抹茶湯圓/strawberry dumplings with matcha au lait | MASAの料理ABC 元宵節 is just around the corner! 介紹有一點日式變化的湯圓! 草莓的酸甜果香味跟抹茶歐蕾的湯底超...
お気に入りコスメの紹介です! チャンネル登録&いいね!ボタンよろしくお願いします💓
Boiled icing or also known as the “7-minute frosting” is very useful in special types of pastries. If you need a smooth and easy b...
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