The Tea on LASER HAIR REMOVAL!! | Jackie Aina

by Jackie Aina

The Tea on LASER HAIR REMOVAL!! | Jackie Aina


Side Note all of the comments about getting the procedure done while on your period are being marked as spam not only are they redundant but the P word is not a scary thing Before you leave a childish comment about the topic grow up I happen to be one of those women who has a pretty normal to light flow so it s not like I bled all over a table We re ALL grown and I try to create a safe environment to not be embarrassed to talk about stuff like this Sometimes you just have to get in where you fit in YES women do a lot of things while menstruating and or spotting like pap smears etc If Laser Away has an issue with you getting a treatment done while menstruating THEY will tell you no And tampons were invented for a reason End of story LASER HAIR REMOVAL What s the procedure like Is it ideal for dark skin tones Will you get burned What are the side effects of laser hair removal Is laser hair removal painful I m giving you guys all the info ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION PLEASE READ you absolutely positively cannot WAX or use hair removal creams before a laser procedure it pulls the hair up from the shaft completely making it impossible for the laser to detect it P R E V I O U S V I D E O S C O N N E C T W I T H M E instagram jackieainasnapchat jackieainafacebook Jackie Ainatwitter jackieainaB U S I N E S S For business inquiries please contact pierr ufluencers com with Jackie Aina in the subject line Affiliate links are usedthis video is done in partnership with LaserAwayChanging the standard of beauty one tutorial at a time Phil 4 13




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