Ultimate Lemon Meringue Layer Cake | Cupcake Jemma

by CupcakeJemma

Ultimate Lemon Meringue Layer Cake | Cupcake Jemma


FULL SIZE CAKE ALERT It seems like months since we ve got to make any proper cakes at C D Oh wait it is months since we ve got to make any full size cakes at C D But never fear Sally s back with a PROPER CAKE for you guys And cakes don t come much more proper than this A delicious fresh lemon sponge lemon curd lemon buttercream and TOASTED Swiss Meringue icing If you re pushed for time you can always just stick with the sponge and buttercream and you ve still got yourself a banging lemon cake but I d recommend giving the full cake a go if you can As always let us know how you get on and don t forget to tag me cupcakejemma and Sally sallydells on Instagram so we can see your bakes and use the hashtag cupcakejemma so we can see what you ve been up to INGREDIENTS For the Lemon Sponge For the size I made 4 x 9 tins 625g Butter 625g Caster Sugar625g Self Raising Flour 10 eggs 8 tbsp lemon juice The Zest of 8 Lemons For a smaller cake 4 x 6 tins 375g Butter 375g Caster Sugar375g Self Raising Flour 6 eggs 6 tbsp lemon juice The Zest of 6 Lemons For the Lemon Curd Zest of 1 Lemon 65g Caster Sugar 65ml Lemon Juice 3 Egg Yolks 1 Whole Egg 50g Cold Chopped Butter For the Lemon Buttercream Filling only 200g Butter 320g Icing Sugar 3 4 tbsp lemon juiceWhole cake filling and coating 400g Butter 640g Icing Sugar 6 8 tbsp lemon juice For the Swiss Meringue Icing 3 Egg Whites 225g Caster Sugar MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemma CAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoilies SALLY sallydells



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