カワウソコタローとハナ 赤ちゃんハナを泣かせ、コタローがキレた蝶の再来 Otter Kotaro&Hanas Reactions to Butterfly Toy, Then and Now


カワウソコタローとハナ 赤ちゃんハナを泣かせ、コタローがキレた蝶の再来 Otter Kotaro&Hanas Reactions to Butterfly Toy, Then and Now


1年前に一度登場した蝶のおもちゃ 当時は刺激が強すぎてハナは泣きわめくわ コタローはキレるわでしばらく封印されることに そして長い時を経て ここに復活 翔け バタバタバタフライ Hello We live with two asian small clawed otters in JapanKotaro male DOB 11 10 2017 He has a scar on his tail bitten by another otter when he was babyHana female DOB 11 24 2018They have been toilet trained and they are using a toilet for dogs Since I m using translation fanction my sentences might be strange Please correct me if I m wrong カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ



Claire Teaches You Cake Baking...

  • by Bon Appétit 781

Baking School is in session! In the series premiere, Claire reveals her trade secrets for baking light and airy cake layers, using...